What a deeply encouraging meditation. As soon as you mentioned the statement of Peter's, my gut grew tense; I can't say to the Lord, "You know that I do." And so the words immediately following, "You know that I want to," came as intense relief. Thank you.

Also, I've loved Jonathan Strange as a top favorite book since it was published. I remember inhaling it in a Barnes & Noble nearly twenty years ago, and have read it a number of times since. Insane creativity! Have you read her recent _Piranesi_?

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It was so relieving to me too. Thankful for William's writing!

I just got Piranesi from the library and eagerly await reading it...

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Lovely thoughts, Grace. There's truly freedom in being honest and starting with the *desire* to love or obey the Lord. I've even occasionally had to start a step back from that! ("Lord, help me to want to want to love you.") Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for your kind words!

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I feel like I'm becoming something of a medievalist myself! I've been on an Arthurian kick recently and Mallory's Le Morte d'Arthur is on my reading list for this year, as well as Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain. The thing is, I have this idea for a quasi-Arthurian fantasy novel, and now I'm hooked reading everything I can on the Arthur mythos and the medieval legends of the British Isles.

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Love this! I hope to see your Arthurian project out in the world!

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Thanks Grace! I'd like to complete a first draft of the book during National Novel Writing Month later this year. When I'm ready for beta readers, I'd love to get your input, if you're interested.

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Depending on my schedule, I'd love to take a look!

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