Welcome to Medievalish with Grace Hamman!

I’m the author of Jesus through Medieval Eyes, host of the Old Books with Grace podcast, as well as an independent scholar of medieval literature, wife, and mom of three young kids. This is where I share what I’ve been up to lately, what I’ve been reading and enjoying, a monthly meditation that you won’t find elsewhere, and some medieval fun extras for the nerds over here.

With a subscription, a free monthly newsletter lands in your inbox on the twelfth of each month, with meditations on authors like Julian of Norwich, Henry Vaughan, delightfully obscure medieval lyrics, and sometimes contemporary writers like Madeleine L’Engle. Thanks for reading and making medieval friends with me!

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Meditations on literature, history, beauty, and faith


Medievalist, writer, podcaster, mother, wife. Julian of Norwich fan forever. Author of "Jesus through Medieval Eyes" from Zondervan Reflective. "Old Books with Grace" podcast available wherever you get podcasts.